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Someone I want to meet

2018-09-17 17:36
Array ( [0] => 175 [1] => 158 )

Ladies and gentlemen,

Nice to meet you. My name is Alice and I am nine years old.

Many people ask me who I want to meet. I always tell them that I want to meet Alice, the one in wonderland, because she’s brave, kind, honest and always helpful. She’s not afraid of any danger for her friends. I would like to follow her to arrive at the beautiful wonderland. There I would see our best friend the mad Hatter. We would together beat the Red Queen and rescue the people.

Or, I would follow her to go through the magic mirror and help the mad Hatter, as she always says “the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe that is possible”. Time always first gives and then takes, and every day is a gift from her. Love is not easy to say, but it is always there. I will cherish time, cherish friendship and cherish family. Alice could do whatever Alice chooses and I will be a brave, kind and honest Alice. Thank you.


